Diary date! Free TTIP film screening The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – or TTIP – will have far-reaching implications on the NHS. To find out more, come along to a free screening of The Trouble With TTIP, a one-hour documentary. Linda Kaucher from the Stop TTIP campaign will be on hand to answer your […]
Month: August 2015
CCGs (or why campaigning to save the local hospitals is so hard…)
CCGs (or why campaigning to save the local hospitals is so hard…) Campaigning to save your local health services often feels like being at the foot of a mountain. You start to climb, you feel like you’ve made some progress, and then someone at the top of the mountain drops a giant bucket of mud […]
KOSHH speaks out on CCG staff taking lavish trips
KOSHH speaks out on CCG staff taking lavish trips The Epsom Guardian today reported that staff from Surrey Downs CCG and North West Surrey CCG went on a luxury spa trip to Germany funded by a pharmaceutical company. Click here to read the story online. We were asked to comment and, in short, we smell […]
Asking questions of the Epsom-St Helier Trust: Part II
Asking questions of the Epsom-St Helier Trust: Part II We are still asking questions about the Epsom-St Helier Estates Review document via Twitter. This is not a simple review of bricks and mortar, it is a review with far-reaching implications for our local hospitals. Click here to download your copy of the Estates Review. It […]