The local Guardian have run a story on the #JuniorDoctors strike planned to take place on the 2nd of December. KOSHH have already stated their support for the #JuniorDoctors in their proposed industrial action (see here). The article contains a quote from Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt as follows: “It is regrettable that junior doctors have […]
Category: #YesYes
KOSHH Supports the #JuniorDoctors decision to take industrial action.
Junior Doctors have voted overwhelmingly in support of industrial action. Because of the way in which this has been handled by Jeremy Hunt, the junior doctors were left with no option but to take this step, and KOSHH fully support their decision. We think that this speaks volumes about how this government is mistreating the […]
BMA Announce Dates for industrial action
The BMA (British Medical Association) have announced, subject to the result of the ballot which is currently ongoing, and will close on the 18th of November 2015, the dates for industrial action will be as follows: Emergency care only — from 8am, Tuesday 1 Dec to 8am Wednesday 2 Dec Full walk out — from […]