The Wimbledon Guardian have today run a front page article about the threat to St Helier, but recent developments have been a little confusing. For clarity, we have put together a brief timeline of events over the last year or so. In January 2015, Daniel Elkeles started work at Epsom & St Helier Trust, as […]
Epsom & St Helier, the plot sickens
A&E, Article, Beds per thousand, Byelection, CCG, Chris Elliott, Cllr Maxi Martin, Coffee Morning, Conservative Party, Consultation, Council, Croydon, Cuts, Daniel Elkeles, Deficit, Department of Health, DoH, e-Newsletter, Engagement, Epsom Hospital, Estates Review, Estates Review Rebuttal, Event, General, Health Secretary, Hospital Beds, Hospital Closure, Hospital downgrade, Jeremy Hunt, KOSHH, Labour Party, Maternity, MPs, NHS, NHS England, NHS North West London, Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital, Parliament, Paul Scully MP, Public Meeting, Shambolic, Shaping a Healthier Future, Siobhain McDonagh MP, Slider Photos, South West London Collaborative Commissioning, Spire Healthcare, Spire St Anthonys, St Helier, St Helier Hospital, St Helier Ward, Stephen Hammond MP, STPs, Sutton CCG, Tom Brake, Tom Brake MP, Tory, Trust, Video, Wandsworth