Keep Our St Helier Hospital

The official website for the Keep Our St Helier Hospital (KOSHH) Campaign

Category: NHS


YOU CAN STOP THIS: Epsom Hospital and St Helier Hospital are due to lose their A&E, Maternity, Paediatrics, Intensive Care, Cancer Care, Coronary Care, Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medicine departments. Write to your local council TODAY. NHS Chiefs have decided that Epsom Hospital AND St Helier Hospital should LOSE all of their Acute facilities. This […]

The Disappearing £Millions of Epsom Hospital

On the 15th of March 2019, the Epsom & St Helier Trust announced that they had sold 20% of the Land and Buildings of Epsom Hospital. – They claimed they had been offered £40 million – They claimed that it had been sold for £18 million. – They claimed that they would receive £15 million […]

VIDEO(s): Public Meeting, Epsom, May 2019

The KOSHH Campaign held a public meeting in Epsom Methodist Church on the 21st of May 2019. The meeting was well attended, with over 100 people present. Below, you will find videos from the event. Please check back as we will be adding new content over the next few days:   First, some background information: […]

7th of July – March for your local hospitals and your NHS

KOSHH are holding a march and rally, to mark the 70th birthday of YOUR National Health Service – Make sure it isn’t it’s last! Right now, there are plans to remove ALL Acute services from one or both of Epsom hospital and St Helier hospital, and we think that these dangerous plans need to be […]

Part 1 – They want to take away your Acute Hospitals – ACT NOW!

On the 10th of November 2017, the Epsom & St Helier Trust Board decided to proceed with their plan to remove Acute Services from one or both of Epsom hospital AND St Helier hospitals. At a board meeting on the 10th of November 2017, despite significant opposition, a whole series of relevant questions being raised, […]

Video: Watch this – your life may literally depend upon it.

As KOSHH have long predicted, the Epsom & St Helier Hospitals NHS Trust have now announced their plans for the future of hospital services in our area. Please watch the short video below for a summary of what is being proposed. The Trust have launched what they call an “engagement” where they are seeking the […]

Lots of new video content here

KOSHH campaigners have been hard at work recently, holding street-stalls, public meetings, leafleting and campaigning, and putting together some great new video content to help get the word out about the threat to our local hospital services, and to the wider NHS at this critical time.   This round-up is intended as a bit of […]

Video: Justice For Health vs Jeremy Hunt

On the morning of 28th of September 2016, Victoria Derbyshire interviewed three junior doctors about the legal case brought by the Justice For Health team against Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt. The judgement for this case was passed last week, but was due to be announced shortly after this interview. The attempt to […]

Video: Excellent motion on the NHS

On the 27th of September, at Labour Party Conference, a “contemporary motion” was put forward by a number of Constituency Labour Parties. We at KOSHH were very pleased to see that it was passed unanimously by the Conference. Disclaimer: For absolute clarity, KOSHH is not affiliated to any political party. We are a politically diverse […]

Video: Parliamentary debate on STPs

On Wednesday the 14th of September, Parliament debated the evil “Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) – a mechanism devised to enact the demands of Simon Stevens’ privatising 5 Year Forward View. This plan could see the number of NHS hospitals in the country slashed by half, or perhaps even worse, and right now, this is the […]

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