Further to the story which we covered here and the Epsom Guardian article detailed here and here, the Epsom and St Helier Trust have issued an “Open Letter” to the Epsom Guardian, the text of which you can find here and it is reproduced in full below for your reference: This open letter questions a […]
Tag: privatisation
Epsom Guardian cover the “Grant” to provide maternity weight-loss service
Trust announces “Grant” of £46k to help maternity patients lose weight – and a private provider is involved
The connection between the junior doctors’ contract and the American corporate takeover of the NHS
The connection between the junior doctors’ contract and the American corporate takeover of the NHS Dr Bob Gill (@DrBobGill) explains the unreported and sinister drive behind the push for changing junior doctors’ contracts. What is going on right now? The latest assault on the NHS involves the imposition of a new contract for junior […]
57 minutes that will change your life
Summer houses on the NHS? Cutting through the news reports with questions for our CCGs!
Summer houses on the NHS? Cutting through the news reports with questions for our CCGs! Sky News led its bulletin this morning with attention-grabbing headlines about summer houses, holidays and sat-navs being funded by the NHS. Sky News didn’t actually research the story themselves – that was done by Pulse magazine, which investigated how personal […]
Diary date! Free TTIP film screening
Diary date! Free TTIP film screening The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – or TTIP – will have far-reaching implications on the NHS. To find out more, come along to a free screening of The Trouble With TTIP, a one-hour documentary. Linda Kaucher from the Stop TTIP campaign will be on hand to answer your […]
KOSHH speaks out on CCG staff taking lavish trips
KOSHH speaks out on CCG staff taking lavish trips The Epsom Guardian today reported that staff from Surrey Downs CCG and North West Surrey CCG went on a luxury spa trip to Germany funded by a pharmaceutical company. Click here to read the story online. We were asked to comment and, in short, we smell […]
Another diary date! The Trouble With TTIP film screening
Another diary date! The Trouble With TTIP film screening TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – is something that KOSHH campaigners are deeply concerned about. The potential TTIP has to destroy public services in the UK, such as the NHS, is immense. Yet negotiations are happening in secret for a deal that could […]
What are we celebrating on #NHS67?
What are we celebrating on #NHS67? Today the NHS turns 67. It should be a proud day of celebration. We should be able to go about our business today relaxed in the knowledge that the NHS is properly funded, properly managed and always there for us when we need it. But we are living in […]