Keep Our St Helier Hospital

The official website for the Keep Our St Helier Hospital (KOSHH) Campaign

Category: Sutton Hospital


YOU CAN STOP THIS: Epsom Hospital and St Helier Hospital are due to lose their A&E, Maternity, Paediatrics, Intensive Care, Cancer Care, Coronary Care, Emergency Surgery and Emergency Medicine departments. Write to your local council TODAY. NHS Chiefs have decided that Epsom Hospital AND St Helier Hospital should LOSE all of their Acute facilities. This […]

The Disappearing £Millions of Epsom Hospital

On the 15th of March 2019, the Epsom & St Helier Trust announced that they had sold 20% of the Land and Buildings of Epsom Hospital. – They claimed they had been offered £40 million – They claimed that it had been sold for £18 million. – They claimed that they would receive £15 million […]

VIDEO(s): Public Meeting, Epsom, May 2019

The KOSHH Campaign held a public meeting in Epsom Methodist Church on the 21st of May 2019. The meeting was well attended, with over 100 people present. Below, you will find videos from the event. Please check back as we will be adding new content over the next few days:   First, some background information: […]

Part 3 – Were the public Engaged Under Duress?

On the 10th of November 2017, the Epsom & St Helier Trust Board decided to proceed with their plan to remove Acute Services from one or both of Epsom hospital AND St Helier hospitals. At the meeting, before the board took their decision on whether or not to proceed, a member of the KOSHH Campaign […]

Part 2 – They want to take away your Acute Hospitals – ACT NOW!

On the 10th of November 2017, the Epsom & St Helier Trust Board decided to proceed with their plan to remove Acute Services from one or both of Epsom hospital AND St Helier hospitals. At a board meeting on the 10th of November 2017, despite significant opposition, a whole series of relevant questions being raised, […]

Part 1 – They want to take away your Acute Hospitals – ACT NOW!

On the 10th of November 2017, the Epsom & St Helier Trust Board decided to proceed with their plan to remove Acute Services from one or both of Epsom hospital AND St Helier hospitals. At a board meeting on the 10th of November 2017, despite significant opposition, a whole series of relevant questions being raised, […]

URGENT: Important events coming up

You may have heard that the Epsom & St Helier Trust have announced their plans for the future of hospital services in our area, and the news is not good. The plans offer three possible outcomes, all of which involve the loss of Acute services, from one or both of Epsom Hospital And St Helier Hospital.  The […]

Video: Watch this – your life may literally depend upon it.

As KOSHH have long predicted, the Epsom & St Helier Hospitals NHS Trust have now announced their plans for the future of hospital services in our area. Please watch the short video below for a summary of what is being proposed. The Trust have launched what they call an “engagement” where they are seeking the […]

Don’t let the Conservatives take you for a fool

On the 5th of June 2017, Paul Scully published a video on his facebook page (link below), where he discusses the site of the former Sutton Hospital, part of which is planned to be the location of a new Secondary School. Mr Scully does not approve of this idea, and he explains why: – The […]

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