They plan to close your hospitals – Who will save St Helier? Come along and have your say about the plans to close YOUR hospitals in South West London, under the guise of the terrible “Sustainability and Transformation Plans” (STPs) – the mechanism being used to force through Simon Stevens’ “5 Year Forward View”, which […]
Search Results for – "5 year forward view"
Lots of new video content here
KOSHH campaigners have been hard at work recently, holding street-stalls, public meetings, leafleting and campaigning, and putting together some great new video content to help get the word out about the threat to our local hospital services, and to the wider NHS at this critical time. This round-up is intended as a bit of […]
South West London STP Draft finally published
Much later than originally announced, the draft sustainability and trans formation plan (STP) for South West London has been published. This document, like 43 others around the English NHS, represents the means by which the privatising “5 year forward view” is to be forced through. An earlier draft of this document was leaked to the […]
Video: Parliamentary debate on STPs
On Wednesday the 14th of September, Parliament debated the evil “Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) – a mechanism devised to enact the demands of Simon Stevens’ privatising 5 Year Forward View. This plan could see the number of NHS hospitals in the country slashed by half, or perhaps even worse, and right now, this is the […]
Epsom & St Helier, the plot sickens
The Wimbledon Guardian have today run a front page article about the threat to St Helier, but recent developments have been a little confusing. For clarity, we have put together a brief timeline of events over the last year or so. In January 2015, Daniel Elkeles started work at Epsom & St Helier Trust, as […]
PRESS RELEASE – Keep Our St Helier Hospital (KOSHH) Campaign – The Plans To Downgrade Our Hospitals
Keep Our St Helier Hospital (KOSHH) Campaign PRESS RELEASE On the submission by Merton, Sutton & Surrey Downs CCGs of a Pre-Consultation Business Case to NHS England & NHS Improvement “A plan to downgrade our hospitals” 31/07/2019 Merton, Sutton & Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Groups have jointly set up an organisation called “Improving Healthcare […]
VIDEO(s): Public Meeting, Epsom, May 2019
The KOSHH Campaign held a public meeting in Epsom Methodist Church on the 21st of May 2019. The meeting was well attended, with over 100 people present. Below, you will find videos from the event. Please check back as we will be adding new content over the next few days: First, some background information: […]
Then and Now
In July 2013, 10 year old Sahil Mukherjee was part of a 60 strong “Army of Children” who marched against proposals to close A&E, Maternity and Children’s Services at St Helier Hospital. The children turned out in force to protest against the proposed closures. They were from Cheam Fields Primary School in Sutton. They […]
On Wednesday the 3rd of May 2017, the current Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt paid a visit to St Helier Hospital in South West London, a hospital threatened with closure under Mr Hunt’s and NHS England’s Simon Stevens’ privatising “Five Year Forward View”. While at the hospital, Mr Hunt met with the Tory […]
Video: STP Team Haven’t Done Their Homework
The South West London Sustainability and Transformation Plan is calling for the reduction of “Acute Sites” (hospitals) in South West London, from 5, down to 4 or even 3, with Epsom & St Helier hospitals already very high on the list for cuts. On the 18th of January 2017, the South West London Joint Health […]