Don't let them Wreck your hospitals
Do you want to keep BOTH of our local, Acute Hospitals?
Come to the KOSHH Public Meeting at 8pm on Tuesday the 30th of January 2018 to find out more.
On the 10th of November 2017, the Epsom & St Helier Trust took a decision to continue with their plans, and have now presented their "Strategic Outline Case" (SOC).
The plan involves removing ALL Acute Services from BOTH Epsom Hospital AND St Helier Hospital, possibly as soon as 2020. By this action, both hospitals would cease to be "Major Acute" hospitals.
In addition to this, the plan suggests that they would *like* to build a new *SINGLE*, smaller, Acute Facility", at a location which has not yet been decided, and would provide significantly fewer Acute hospital beds than are currently provided by the TWO Hospitals we currently benefit from.
Replacing TWO major Acute hospitals with only a single, smaller, facility would mean longer journeys for MOST people - specifically for people who are Acutely unwell, or in need of urgent/emergency treatment.
The services which would be removed are:
A&E, Maternity, Paediatric (Childrens), Intensive Care, Emergency Surgery, Coronary Care and Cancer Care
This new facility could only be provided:
- IF the Trust can obtain permission from NHS England AND
- IF the Trust can obtain permission from NHS Improvement AND
- IF the Trust can obtain a loan of around £400 million AND
- IF the Trust can obtain planning permission AND
- IF the Trust can win the support of local NHS managers AND
- IF the Trust can get planning permission
Shockingly, even if ALL of the above conditions are met, the proposed new facility could not be ready until 2024-2026, or possibly even later. This is in spite of the fact that the future of Epsom Hospital & St Helier Hospital has only been assured until 2020.
KOSHH fear that if this plan is allowed to proceed, lives will be lost as a direct result, and it is up to all of us to make sure that this is not allowed to happen.
The population in this area has never been higher, and it is projected to increase dramatically over the next few years, and yet the plan would see the number of Acute beds REDUCED from the 759 which the Epsom & St Helier Trust currently provides, down to 500, or perhaps even fewer.
Please join the thousands of people who have already signed our petition calling for NO CUTS, NO CLOSURES, NO PRIVATISATION, and calling on the local NHS to Protect, Maintain and Improve ALL services, at ALL of Epsom Hospital, St Helier Hospital, St George's Hospital, Croydon Hospital & Kingston Hospital.
The meeting will take place at:
8pm on the 30th of January 2018
Bishopsford Road Social Club (Behind St Peter's Church) Bishopsford Road,
Morden, SM4 6BH.
The Facebook event for this can be found here.